Monday, October 8, 2012

You Do the Askin'. We Make the Cut. here are some of the examples of how your customized shirt can be cut & designed!  Again..these T-shirts are used, but they are vintage and/or unique and being sold for a GREAT cause...for me to go to ISRAEL! :-)

I've got FIFTEEN T's that need to be sold & cut YESTERDAY :-)  The prices range from $15 - $20 -- STYLES are below:

To view the actual T's for sale, please visit us online at:

MANY thanks to Desiree Fletcher, Andrea Mackenzie and Maya Sanchez for their donations towards this trip!  Thanks for visiting and for your HELP in making this trip POSSIBLE!!!



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tee Be...Or NOT Tee Be?

That is the question!  We've acquired some great pieces to add to the Tee-shirt collection--some vintage,  but all unique.

Reminder that by sponsoring me to Israel, you can receive your Tee-shirt in one of two ways:  1)  Just as it is (for $15); or 2)  Customized (for $20).

Here are some fun new Tees.  Below some of these you can see ideas of how you might like your Tee customized!

Shout out to our lovely models -- Bethany of Temecula Valley and Josie of Amarillo, TX-- we couldn't do this without you!

To see all of our T-shirts,  Click Here for Real Tees on Flickr where detail, size, price and description of T-shirts are located.

Thank you for visiting--more to come...



Saturday, July 7, 2012

July is here--wow--and now my trip is counting down...slowly, but surely.  My trip to Israel is scheduled for Spring of 2013--in the month of May.  That being said, I have about 200 Tees to sell in order to raise funds for my trip, which as of right now totals $3,499 a person.  Shout out to Desiree Fletcher, Andrea McKenzie and Ms. Maya Sanchez, who, through their donations have me at already raising $450 towards my trip...a HUGE thank you (and much love) goes out to each of you!

Okay folks, T-shirts will begin getting posted to this site within the have a style in mind...grab my paypal account...Israel, here I come!!!



Monday, December 12, 2011

I'ts Time to Tee Off! the concept of this particular fundraising format is to choose from one of the T-shirts available...once you've selected your Tee, let me know how you'd like for me to customize your T-shirt.  Fringes? Off-shoulders?  Tied up the sides? As is? Other? :-)

See what we've got below...and then we'll go from there.

Customized Tees are $25 (includes shipping) or $20 dollars (first-class mail and as is) and can eventually be found at my shop on ebay. :-)

Thanks for stopping by!



Thursday, November 17, 2011

Welcome to Real Tees!

You're here...yay!

So I am believing God to raise enough funds to go to Israel on a 10-day tour for women, "Come Away, My Beloved," hosted by Pastor Kimberly Dirmann and Professor Rebecca Bauer.  The tour costs $2595 a person, not including airline tax and fuel charges.  So, YES...I am embarking on yet..another adventure as well as having just closed the last chapter of my life, I have relocated to Temecula, CA, where I am serving as the Worship/Creative Arts Pastor of New River Church in Murrieta, CA. 

Upon this transition, I realized in the preparation of my move, that I have several T-shirts--most of which I never wear because they just weren't fun or chic enough...or so I thought!

I grabbed my favorite T--a $5 T-shirt I purchased last year at the conclusion seeing Sting with the London Symphony at the Hollywood Bowl--and made it my own!  With the numerous compliments, I've decided to use this as a main source of fundraising for my trip to Israel.

To purchase, please email me the T-shirt of your choice (they are available first come, first serve), and we can talk about customizing it with the different T-shirt options.

T-shirt payments to be made through paypal by clicking on the "Buying Something":

Thank you for your support on this mission--I have one month to raise the funds--and couldn't do it without you!

Blessings...and enjoy your Tees!
